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The best way to start and grow your email list
Your email list is the best online marketing tool for you today. The highest return on investment you can make is growing your email list and communicating with it. Companies generate millions of dollars in revenue every year, mainly because of the email list.
Email marketing ROI is 36 cents for every $1 spent in the current economy, and it drives more sales than social media marketing.
Your goal is to grow the email list and constantly have new subscribers who are excited to hear from you. After some time, you’ll have loyal fans that will remain with you. Those people end up being your precious customers. But to get those people who stick with you for a long time, you need to start with your first subscriber on your email list, who is excited to get your emails.
To get your first subscriber, create a great lead magnet that matches your target audience’s preferences and needs.
Do your research and find what your target audience needs.
Then, create a lead magnet that will solve their problem. You can outsource this part if you are not familiar with making it. It can be
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Many business owners skip this step, or they don’t pay enough attention to it. They offer lead magnets not connected with their target audience. As a result, they got unresponsible subscribers not interested in their products/services. Don’t be one of them. You will lose your subscribers with the first email. They will never open any other email from you.
Make your lead magnet valuable and unique to your target audience, and you will get a targeted list. Then, when your subscribers see it is useful, they will continue to expect and open your emails.
Your Lead Magnet should Contain
• How your product, program, or service can make a difference in the prospect’s life
•Why this Lead Magnet can support subscribers in overcoming their struggles and how subscribers will finally achieve their goals.
• A specific call to action. It is essential to let your prospects know what your product/program/service can do for them.
Begin communicating with your list when you will get your first subscriber.
When someone subscribes to your list, they expect valuable content in your emails. They want to learn something, buy something with a discount, be the first to hear when you will have a new offer, and so on.
So, create a plan to transform these subscribers into customers with your offers in email campaigns. Because they sign up via your opt-in form, you have targeted subscribers interested in your products/services.
Please don’t treat your subscribers as buyers only. Treat them as friends and help them to relieve their pain, satisfy their desire with your product/service. No one buys from the first email. According to the statistics, people need to see the offer 7-9 times to buy.
Nowadays, many business owners buy lists. If you are one of them and pay for the list, you don’t know the awareness stage of your subscribers. You need to start with indirect emails to raise their awareness about your product/service. See the email samples according to the subscriber’s awareness stage in this ebook.
Now is your turn. Start building and growing your list with targeted subscribers. Create a persuasive email campaign and start earning from your list