Split testing: A powerful method to increase your open and click rate 

Split testing: A powerful method to increase your open and click rate 

Spit testing A powerful method to increase your open and click rate

Split testing is a technique that many email marketers use to improve their online results. With split or A/B testing, you split your audience into two or more groups and test a particular part of the email ( subject line, call to action, some sentences in them, and so on). Your goal is to discover what your audience wants and what works better. It helps you improve conversion, solve problems and earn more money.

How you can improve your email campaigns with split testing

Here is the technique I use, and I have results with it.

I must tell you I have a big list, and I segment it according to various criteria. 

So when I send an email, I divide the segment to whom I want to send an email into three parts. 25%, 25%,50%

I send 25%,25% of the segment at the morning testing subject lines, CTA, or some parts in the email (depending on what I want to split test). Then, finally, I send the last email to 50% of the segment at noon (business email) or night (if I promote affiliate product) with the winning subject line, CTA, or another part of the email. 

In this case, 75% of the segment gets the winning subject line, CTA, or another part of the email, and the open and click rate of the email is bigger. 

I encourage you always to split test your email campaigns. 

Here is what you can split test

Subject Lines

This is the most used feature in split testing. You need to create two subject lines and send them to your target audience. You will continue to use the winning subject line in the following emails ( if you have an automated email campaign) or in the next broadcast (if you use 25%,25%,50% principle). 

Sending time

According to coschedule, below is the best time for sending emails. Normally you need to test it and see the best time for you according to your target audience.

Plan To Test The Best Days And Times With Your Audience

 Follow this outline to test your days and times to send an email. Regardless of how many emails you send during a week, you can walk through this process from the first email to the last email over the time frame that works best for you. It’s like a checklist for the days and times you’ll send your next 12 emails: 


  1. Tuesday at 10 a.m.
  2. Thursday at 8 p.m.
  3. Wednesday at 2 p.m.
  4. Tuesday at 6 a.m.
  5. Thursday at 10 a.m.
  6. Wednesday at 8 p.m.
  7. Tuesday at 2 p.m.
  8. Thursday at 6 a.m.
  9. Wednesday at 10 a.m.
  10. Tuesday at 8 p.m.
  11. Thursday at 2 p.m.
  12. Wednesday 6 a.m.

 That is now your plan for the following 12 emails you’ll send to your subscribers. 

Source: https://coschedule.com/blog/best-time-to-send-email


CTA is not only the link you will put in your email. CTA is the previous 1-2 sentences that lead to CTA. 

Here is an example of CTA. Create various CTA and test them. 


Mobile Friendly

If you use various templates, you need to split test them if they are mobile-friendly.

Different Variants and Sequence of Links

If you promote more than one CTA, you need to test all variations with links you have in your emails.

Now when you know how it works, do spit testing regularly. Create various subject lines, CTA, and other parts of your emails. Here is the guide that will help you write winning emails according to your target audience’s stage of awareness.