How to Conduct a Product Analysis: What Your Product Is and What It Does

How to Conduct a Product Analysis: What Your Product Is and What It Does

How to Conduct a Product Analysis: What Your Product Is and What It Does

In Breakthrough Advertising, Eugene stated: “In reality, every product you are given to sell is actually two products”

One of these is the physical product—steel, glass, or whatever it is. (features)

The second type of product is the functional product—the product in action—which is a set of benefits that the product provides. (benefits)

The physical product does not generate any revenue. No one buys steel in a car, glass in a vase, tobacco in a cigarette, or any other material.

The physical elements (features) can not be put into the headlines because they do not directly address mass desires. 

However, the features can be utilized later in the copy to explain the pricing, demonstrate the quality of the product, demonstrate that it will last, or add credibility to the promises described below.

To explain the pricing: The common-sense theory: the more materials, the higher the price.

Demonstrate the quality of the product: Tell your prospect the weight and thickness of your mobile phone, and they will pay more to get a thick and easy mobile phone.

Tell them the battery will last five days, and they will pay more. 

Demonstrate that it will last: Longer period of guarantee means they will save on the repairing costs for years, metal dishes for kids means they can’t break them and heart themself in the process. Frozen foods mean they can use them when they want with the same taste and vitamins in them.  

Add credibility to your promises: Your product must have better features than the competition. You must promote it with a unique mechanism to claim a new way to satisfy the mass desire. 

So to promote your products emotionally and competitively, you must connect the two parts of the products – the features and benefits in your ads.

The benefits present how your product’s features satisfy the mass desire. And people buy them. “Your first task, then, in studying your product, is to list the number of different performances it contains—to group these performances against the mass desires that each of them satisfies—and then to feature the one performance that will harness the greatest sales power onto your product at that particular time.”

So, find all features your product/service has and connect them with the benefits it provides.

Then study them and pick the most important benefit to put in your headline and ad. 

You can’t put all of them because your ad will confuse readers.

And always use the rule of one in your advertising.

One emotion, 

One benefit

One product

One link



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