How SEO and AI Can be Used to Maximize Website Traffic

How SEO and AI Can be Used to Maximize Website Traffic

How SEO and AI Can be Used Together to Maximize Website Traffic

Welcome to our comprehensive training on how SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and AI (Artificial Intelligence) can be used together to maximize website traffic. In this digital age, the online presence of your business is crucial for its success. And the key to a strong online presence? Effective SEO strategies drive high website traffic.

But as the digital landscape evolves, so do the strategies for boosting website traffic. Enter AI. With its ability to analyze large amounts of data, predict trends, and automate tasks, AI is transforming how we approach SEO.

In this training, we’ll explore how you can leverage AI to supercharge your SEO efforts and drive more traffic to your website. We’ll delve into AI SEO strategies, discuss implementing them, and show you how to measure their impact.

But that’s not all. We’ll also guide you on identifying low-competition keywords you can rank for, a crucial aspect of any successful SEO strategy. Ready to dive in? Let’s get started!

In this training, we will write SEO optimized articles using CHAT GPT – 4

Accessing and Enabling Plugins in ChatGPT

ChatGPT Plus users are granted access to plugins. To activate them, you need to navigate to the settings in ChatGPT, which can be accessed by selecting your username at the bottom left of the ChatGPT interface. Inside the settings, you should be able to find a “Beta features” section (assuming plugins have been rolled out to you) where you can enable plugins or disable them.




 How ChatGPT Interacts with Plugins

ChatGPT is designed to determine when it is advantageous to call upon a plugin based on its intrinsic goal of assisting the user. For instance, ChatGPT might use a browsing plugin to fetch the latest news if you pose a question about current affairs. However, for more straightforward queries related to math or science, ChatGPT might decide to answer without invoking a plugin. As a user, you can specifically instruct the model to use a particular plugin.

Now let’s start writing our article.

Click on GPT-4

Then Click on Plugins.



As you can see, you can install as many plugins as you want, but you can use only three at a time. Click on the Plugin store.




In the search bar, put SEO. You will get all SEO-related plugins and can install which one you want. As you can see, I use SEO, SEO Assistant, and SEO CORE AI.



Writing AI SEO Article using Chat GPT – 4


Now we can start writing articles with prompts.

I want to write an article for Maximizing Website Traffic with AI-Generated SEO Articles.

My first task will be to find keywords I can rank for.

Here are the prompt and keywords I got from ChatGPT -4keywords

My next goal is to find the keyword I can rank for, and I got this answer

keywords 2

Now I want to find the best keyword for my target audience. So I ask GPT.


keywords 3

As you can see, I got suggestions about readers’ intent too. But you may hear you must check everything written with GPT.

So I checked the keyword “AI SEO Strategies for Website Traffic.” And saw that no one searched for that keyword,

But people search for the keyword AI SEO. I use paid Ubbersuggest version and the free Sumrush version for checking. That is why the data in Semrush is from two weeks ago.

This training has commercial intent, so I need a keyword with commercial intent. And AI SEO is the keyword that satisfies my criteria. It has Keyword difficulty between 41-56 and monthly views of more than 700 in both cases. So I decided to use the keyword “AI SEO” and give prompts with “AI SEO Strategies for Website Traffic.” not to confuse GPT. In this case, I will get more relevant articles.



Now we will start writing the article. I asked GPT for 20 headlines. Headlines are the most important part of every article. So you can ask it to give as many headlines as you want according to various criteria. I love the formula C+B+P.  And ask for more headlines using it.



headlines 2


I included my target audience in the following prompt and got the headline I liked

“AI SEO Strategies for Website Traffic: The Ultimate Guide for Bloggers and Digital Marketers”

Now I can continue with the outline of the blog post.



And I got these outline.


Title: AI SEO Strategies for Website Traffic: The Ultimate Guide for Bloggers and Digital Marketers


  • Brief overview of the importance of AI in SEO
  • Explanation of what the article will cover

Main Point 1: Understanding AI and SEO

  • Explanation of AI and SEO and how they work together
  • Actionable Tip: Start using AI tools for SEO analysis
  • Mistake: Ignoring the potential of AI in SEO
  • Statistic: [Insert relevant statistic and source here]
  • Case Study 1: [Insert relevant case study or story here]
  • Case Study 2: [Insert relevant case study or story here]

Main Point 2: The Role of AI in Keyword Research

  • Explanation of how AI can enhance keyword research
  • Actionable Tip: Use AI tools for keyword research and analysis
  • Mistake: Relying solely on manual keyword research
  • Statistic: [Insert relevant statistic and source here]
  • Case Study 1: [Insert relevant case study or story here]
  • Case Study 2: [Insert relevant case study or story here]

Main Point 3: AI for Content Optimization

  • Explanation of how AI can optimize content for SEO
  • Actionable Tip: Use AI tools for content optimization
  • Mistake: Not optimizing content for SEO
  • Statistic: [Insert relevant statistic and source here]
  • Case Study 1: [Insert relevant case study or story here]
  • Case Study 2: [Insert relevant case study or story here]

Main Point 4: AI for Link Building and Backlink Analysis

  • Explanation of how AI can enhance link building and backlink analysis
  • Actionable Tip: Use AI tools for link building and backlink analysis
  • Mistake: Ignoring the importance of link building in SEO
  • Statistic: [Insert relevant statistic and source here]
  • Case Study 1: [Insert relevant case study or story here]
  • Case Study 2: [Insert relevant case study or story here]


  • Recap of the main points covered in the article
  • Encouragement for readers to start implementing AI SEO strategies

Call to Action

  • Encourage readers to share the article, subscribe, or take some other action.


Now we will start giving three same prompts for every part. I will show them for the first part and provide you with the final article.

For the info, we will use other prompts.

The following two prompts I found in the book I bought from Smart Blogger

Use ChatGPT to Write 100x Faster (& Get Filthy Rich) by Jon Morrow

Let’s start

pain points


And I got this table from GPT.


Desired Outcomes Pain Points Superhero Scenario Miserable Failure Scenario
Skyrocketing website traffic Struggling to rank on search engines Unleashing a flood of organic traffic with AI-powered SEO strategies, making their blog or website the go-to resource in their niche Seeing their website traffic stagnate or decline despite all efforts making them feel invisible in the digital world.
High-quality, SEO-optimized content Difficulty in generating engaging and SEO-friendly content Effortlessly creating top-notch, AI-generated SEO articles that readers love and share, making them a content creation wizard Publishing content that fails to engage readers or improve SEO, making them feel like they’re shouting into the void
Effective keyword research and analysis Difficulty in identifying the right keywords for their content Using AI to uncover high-potential keywords that competitors overlook, making them a savvy strategist Wasting time and resources on keywords that don’t drive traffic, making them feel like they’re chasing shadows
Efficient link-building and backlink analysis Struggling to build high-quality backlinks Leveraging AI to build a robust backlink profile that boosts their website’s authority, making them a master of digital networking Struggling to earn backlinks, making their website feel like an isolated island in the vast digital ocean

Insights into the mind of bloggers and digital marketers:

  1. Bloggers and digital marketers are constantly seeking ways to increase website traffic and improve their SEO, and they see AI as a powerful tool to achieve these goals.
  2. They are often frustrated by the challenges of content creation, keyword research, and link building, and they are excited about the potential of AI to alleviate these pain points.
  3. They aspire to be recognized and successful in their field, and they fear the prospect of their efforts failing to yield results. They see the effective use of AI in SEO as a critical factor in their success or failure.


intro prompt

And here is the intro I got

intro 1

Now I will give you three prompts for each part part 1


And I got the first version of the article. My next prompt was for reliable sources

part 1.1


I want to show you the whole text with links from GPT.

I. Main Point 1: Understanding AI SEO Strategies for Website Traffic

AI SEO strategies involve using AI tools and technologies to optimize your website for search engines. These tools use machine learning algorithms to understand search intent, optimize content, and predict search trends, among other things 1.

Actionable Tip: The first step in leveraging AI for SEO is to familiarize yourself with the AI tools available for SEO. Tools like SEMrush, Market Brew, and BrightEdge leverage AI to provide insights into your website’s SEO performance and offer recommendations for improvement 2.

Common Mistake: One common mistake is not keeping up with the latest AI SEO tools and strategies. The world of AI and SEO is constantly evolving, and what worked yesterday might not work today. Regularly updating your knowledge and skills is crucial to stay ahead of the curve 3.

Statistic: The importance of AI in SEO is more than just hype. According to a report by Markets and Markets, the AI in the SEO market is expected to grow to $37.9 billion by 2025. This underscores the increasing importance and reliance on AI in shaping SEO strategies 4.

Case Study 1: Harnessing the Power of AI for SEO – Airbnb’s Success Story

A well-known company that has successfully harnessed the power of AI for SEO is Airbnb. They used AI and machine learning to predict the properties a user wants to rent. This personalized approach to search results improved the user experience and boosted their SEO ranking 5.

Case Study 2: Blogger’s Success with AI SEO – Neil Patel’s Journey

On a smaller scale, blogger Neil Patel has been vocal about using AI for SEO. He uses AI tools to analyze his website’s SEO performance, identify areas for improvement, and optimize his content. This has led to a significant increase in organic traffic to his blog 6.

Understanding AI SEO strategies is the first step in maximizing website traffic. By familiarizing yourself with AI tools, staying updated with the latest strategies, and learning from successful case studies, you can leverage AI to boost your SEO and drive more traffic to your website. Stay tuned for our next section where we’ll delve into how to implement these AI SEO strategies effectively.


  1. How AI is Changing the Landscape of SEO
  2. 10 AI Tools to Help You with Your SEO Needs
  3. The Future of SEO: How AI Will Produce all the Answers
  4. Artificial Intelligence Market by Offering (Hardware, Software, Services), Technology (Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Context-Aware Computing, Computer Vision), End-User Industry, and Geography – Global Forecast to 2025
  5. How Airbnb uses AI to match guests with the right properties
  6. How AI Helps Add 1.2 Million Visitors to My Site Every Month


Your goal now is to check every link and add them to the article if they are correct and valid. As I explained, we must check everything written by GPT and any other AI tool.

And here is the last prompt for part II.

part 1.2

And here is the Article I got from Ghat GPT


Editing articles using Yoast SEO, Hemingway app and Grammarly

This is only the first draft.

Now we need to optimize the article for SEO. We can’t rely on any AI tool. We must check and correct everything.

First, we will put the article in WordPress and check it with Yoast SEO to see if ChatGPT optimized it correctly for SEO. I use paid version, but you can use the free version to check this.


Yoast SEO 1




As You can see, I must add images, links, and meta descriptions, which is part of SEO optimization.

But I must edit the text too for the keyword: “AI SEO.”

I can change “AI SEO” with “SEO AI” or delete keywords from the sentences.


Yoast SEO 1


The report has 10% plagiarism.




Readability Grade 9 and 28 of 135 sentences that are hard to read


hemingway app


So we need to edit everything and make a well-optimized article.

Here is the final version of the article

I used the keyword AI SEO in this tutorial and changed it into SEO AI in the article.

I edited the article manually and optimized it. It is SEO Optimized, easy to read (grade 8 and only six from 382 hard-to-read sentences), and with 4% plagiarism, which is the regular rate.

I put the keyword in the first sentence. Sometimes Yoast gives problems by mistake, as in this case, and it corrects them in the future.







As you can see, you need knowledge and the right prompt to create an AI SEO article.



If you need help, you can contact us today.